Cannabis Science

Cannabis Hermies without Anthers?

The nuance of cannabis hermaphroditism during different flowering periods deserves a closer look. In addition to everyday hermaphrodites, some plants experience changes without showing signs of the opposite sex. In the most specific aspect, small banana-shaped anthers (male pollen sacks) amongst the pistils (female pollen collectors) are an undeniable sign of a hermaphrodite. Yet there […]

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Tobacco Trichomes’ Secret Weapons

The primary role of trichomes for plants is purely defensive. We often discuss how trichomes defend cannabis by being sticky traps for insects, minimizing wind and UV damage, and chemically deterring herbivores and insects. Thousands of other plants in the world use trichomes for defense as well, with sophisticated methods suited to the predators they

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Evaluating Cannabis Trichome Ripeness

Everything alive has a ripening point, including you and me. Every animal, plant, human, fungus, and alien starts life out in an infancy state, matures, and eventually dies. Cannabis is no exception. Understanding the glandular and non-glandular trichomes of cannabis is important so we can maximize and uplift the experience, the medicine, and the industry

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cannabis brain anatomy

Cannabis & the Endocannabinoid System

This blog post may make some of you super squeamish! However, if you’re fascinated by cannabis science, you need to take a deep breath and keep reading! Sometimes it can be super challenging when you’re trying to follow all the technical terms when learning how cannabis affects humans. Listening and reading may be enough for

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